How do I file a complaint?
For any complaints/grievance by a student or against the student:
- The aggrieved/concerned party must immediately inform the Office of the Director of the Student Services or the Head of Student Services in the case of branches and satellite campuses.
- The Office of the Director of the Student Services or the Head of Student Services in the case of branches and campuses must attempt to settle all grievance/concerns through consultation and dialogue with the concerned parties.
- In all cases, the ODSS shall endorse the parties to the Office of the Counseling and Psychological Services for intervention and assessment of the psychological condition of the parties.
- For cases that are settled amicably, the OCPS shall give recommendation/assessment to the ODSS and in case of failure to arrive at an amicable settlement, the ODSS shall refer the case to the Student Disciplinary Board for appropriate action. Case record and the assessment of the OCPS shall likewise be forwarded to the SDB.
For cases initiated by student/s against a faculty member or a non-teaching personnel:
- The complaint shall be referred by the ODSS to the OVPAA, OVPA or OVPBC for appropriate action. The OVPAA, OVPA, or OVPBC is required to furnish the ODSS copies of its resolution/s, recommendation/s, finding/s and/or action/s for record or referral purpose.
- Where no settlement is reached by the parties, disciplinary or administrative cases shall be referred by the OVPAA, OVPA or OVPBC to the President for the purpose of creating and constituting an investigation committee in accordance with CSC rules or by referring the case/complaint to the Office of the University Legal Counsel for appropriate action.