Applying for Student Assistantship Program

  1. Interested applicants must have at least one-year residency, with passing grades in the last enrolled semester.
  2. They must also pass the psychological exam and should be endorsed by the requesting office.
  3. They are required to submit the following documents to avail of this scholarship:
    a.     2 copies of Duly Accomplished Student Assistantship Endorsement Form (PUP-SAEF-5-OFSS-015)
    b.     2 copies of Print Screen of Grades
    c.     2 photocopies of current Certificate of Registration
    d.     2 copies of Personal Data Sheet (PUP-PDSA-5-OFSS-009)
    e.     2 copies of Scholarship Agreement Form (PUP-SCAG-5-OFSS-013)

     Forms are available at : Scholarship and Financial Assistance Services