Re-Admission to PUP

  1. Students whose studies in PUP were discontinued for a period of time may be considered for re-admission depending on their previous academic performance and availability of slots.
  2. The returning student should pay the re-admission fee amounting to P 150.00 and secure a copy of his/her Transcript of Records and informative copy of grades two (2) months prior to the enrollment period.
  3. Fill out the Re-Admission Application Form from the Admission Services and present the following documents:
    a.    Transcript of Records;
    b.    Two (2) pieces 2x2 inch picture;
    c.    One (1) piece 1x1 inch picture (with college background if you stopped for more than two (2) years);
    d.    Latest Registration Certificates;
    e.    Receipt of payment for re-admission fee; and,
    f.    Curriculum Sheet
  4. Secure Clearance from the Accounting Office, University Medical Office and Academic Evaluation from the college by presenting the properly filled out form for re-admission and your Transcript of Records/Informative Copy of Grades.
  5. Submit the duly filled out Re-admission Form with the attached clearances from the offices concerned to the Admissions Services.
  6. The returning student will be issued a Re-admission Certificate by the ARO after completion of all requirements and if the application has been approved.
  7. If re-admitted within two (2) years, the returning student shall be allowed to continue their old curriculum; otherwise, they will continue under the new curriculum existing at the time of their re-admission.
  8. Proceed to the College of your chosen course and present the Admission Certificate for your enrollment and the photo copy of the required credentials